How to

How To Introduce Yourself Once You’re Referred To? #Do’s & Dont’s #Example

Referrals can always act as a boon for your career. In this highly competitive world where people and their connections place them at the forefront, it’s very important to play your cards well in the job. You have to make sure that your pitch is ‘pitch perfect’ as you know you have an added advantage of being referred to by a valuable employee of the company.

How To Introduce Yourself Once You're Referred To?

But there is also an added burden on you to be perfect and exceed to near excellence in the interview. If someone’s recommendation is in the line, you need to give your best. However, if you get selected the Referee will surely get a bonus for making you join the company. In this piece, we will make sure to discuss some very important aspects to keep in mind while you apply for a job under someone’s reference. So let’s start:

Why Is Getting A Referral More Important?

Why Is Getting A Referral More Important?

The hiring process is not an easy job. Companies like to take in employees that can bond together with a shared connection. Of course, education, work experience, and skills do matter but the weightage that comes with a referee is far more important.

How To Introduce Yourself Once You’re Referred To?

The entire conversation around the referral mostly takes place online before you bag an interview. The company where you applied for a job needs to know who your referral is? The kind of association you have needs to be first in an email. Then your cover letter.

How Do You Say You Were Referred By Someone?

It can be harder than you think to mention who referred you. It has to be formal and needs to be specific, concise, and to the point. Along with pitching yourself, you need to prove your ability and hence take the connection as a bonding entity that makes you look like an effective candidate for the company. And How to structure your cover letter also remains a query?

Do’s and Don’ts While You are Introducing Yourself When you Are Referred To

Let us first discuss the Do’s since it needs to be done in a far more elaborate manner.

Cover Letter With Referral From A Mutual Acquaintance

Though referrals can come from many multifarious institutions, agencies, colleges/universities. Having an acquaintance in a company helps. Here we are simply assuming that a person who is an acquaintance is referring you to their company. Now while you draft the letter keep the following pointers in mind:

Mention The Name Of The Acquaintance, And His/ Her Current Designation In The Company

It’s imperative to do that. In the first paragraph itself, you have to make sure the acquaintance is properly introduced. Try to refer to him by his full name. Mention the kind of job profile he is working in the company. And How did you guys meet and where? This sort of framework helps the recruiter to understand the context of the referral.

Describe How You Met Your Acquaintance/ Connection

So meeting an acquaintance can happen anywhere. Try to mention where you guys meet. Did you guys randomly bump into each other or worked together? Did you guys contact each other on Linkedin? Try to clear the air about the bond you share with the referee/acquaintance.

Why Is Your Acquaintance Recommending You?
The other aspect is also related to why the person is only recommending you. Now, this is a trump card in the sense that the person who is recommending you should have done his part because of some special skills that you owe as a person. In that case, you will have to list out all the skills that you have acquired throughout your working life. You can highlight the important ones in bold.

Let’s now discuss the Don’ts while introducing yourself once you are referred to.

Dont’s While Introducing Yourself When You’re Referred by Someone

  • Do not use informal statements at the start of your cover letter. For instance, statements like Hey (Your acquaintance’s boss’s name) I got to know you from a dear friend that works at your company.
  • Do not forget to mention the designation of your acquaintance. Doing that really makes a person skeptical about the veracity of your work profile. It helps if a person from the higher ranks recommends you.
  • Do not outright tell the employer about the reason why you left your company if there was any dispute. Rather use words like disagreement or you want to grow in your career etc.
  • Do not by any chance forget to mention your work profile and How it relates to your current acquaintance who has referred you to the company.

Recommended Reading: Using Someone As A Reference Without Asking – A Mistake?

Mentioning Referral In The 1st Paragraph Of Your Cover Letter #Example

Generally, you mention the referral in the 1st paragraph of your cover letter. Let us see an example for mentioning the same.

Alexis, who is a colleague of mine and also a news writer at your news website, has recommended me to apply for the Tech writer position. We have known each other since journalism school and she told me that given the kind of news stories that I wrote and researched earlier, I would be the best fit for the job at your Tech Xetra News Company. I have 7 years of news writing/ticker writing experience and additional 8 years of working on the news web handling Tech. I can push myself and deliver quality write-ups that will grab eyeballs.

How To Write A Cover Letter Along With A Referral? #Step-By-Step Guide

So the cover letter is usually between 250-400 words and it will be concise to the point paragraphs.

  • First of all the first paragraph deals with an avid introduction of you and the person who referred you?
  • Secondly in the successive paragraph, you need to mention a host of skills that you have acquired over time. Try to mention examples that are relevant to the position you are applying for? This way your case becomes stronger. Try to back these skills with work experience.
  • In the third para, try to list out the achievements you have had in your life as a whole. Have you won anything in your life? Work-related achievements can also be shared.

Now, that we know how to mention the referral while introducing yourself, let us see a few examples:

How To Introduce Yourself Once You’re Referred To? #Examples

Please keep in mind that in this section, we will strictly stick to the question and answer mannerisms assuming your cover letter made an impact and now you are called to give an interview. Some example answers:

Referral Introductory Answer For An Engineer

Hello Sir, This is (your name), as stated in my cover letter, I am actually a software engineer and I have worked on various software modeling work through back-end operation designs. My friend (name) has pitched my work to you. He is the Chief of Operations at your company. My key interests in software are linked with software designs and back-end management.

Referral Introductory For A Journalist

Hello Sir/Mam, my name is (your name), I was referred for this job profile by one of my college colleagues who is also the Chief Editor of the entertainment beat at your Company. I have 5 years of work experience in this field. I have close to 40 primary contacts within the industry that provide me information on all the whereabouts in the industry.

Final Say

This piece helps to answer the most important question,  How to introduce yourself once you’re referred?. Examples are provided for a range of interactions that you will have with the employer, it starts with a simple cover letter. However, it guides you throughout and helps in framing a well sought answer in your face to face interview. I hope you liked the read.

About the author

Atish Ranjan

Hi there, I am Atish Ranjan! I have been into work and business for more than 11 years now; I have given and taken numerous interviews over the years.
Thus, I started to share my knowledge & experience with you! Hope you enjoy reading here.

About the Author

Hi there, I am Atish Ranjan! I have been into work and business for more than 11 years now; I have given and taken numerous interviews over the years. Thus, I started to share my knowledge & experience with you! Hope you enjoy reading here.