Interview Questions

25 Killer Questions to Ask at the End of an Interview

Job interviews are hard. A prospective employee makes sure that he has prepared almost everything under the sun for the interview. You have googled most asked questions, even mugged up all the govt details. Imagine in an interview after the interview ends, one of the interview panelists asks you, “Do you have any questions?” After listening to that, you mumbled a few words in a soft voice. And there is silence for almost 5 minutes.

In this case, even if you made a good impression at first, now all of it lay in ruins because of not being able to ask that important question. You can give out the best replies as much as you want but when they ask you a question, you have to reply. Or else that can seriously backfire and the interviewer can assume you to be timid and uninformed. Here are a few listed ways to deal with the issue:

Killer Questions to Ask at the End of an Interview

Table of Contents

List of Do’s and Don’ts While Asking Questions in the Interview


The first thing to remember when talking about Dos is to research and be prepared for the interview at the earliest. Here are a few tips from my side:

  • Prepare at least 10 questions beforehand. Ask these questions as per the flow of the conversation.
  • Ask broad questions but not too broad. For instance, you can ask, What kind of role I will be taking for this company? As opposed to Can you share the revenue model of the company? The former question can be completed with few details while the other questions require a lot of technical and visible detail firsthand.
  • Ask questions that are broad but make sure to ask not more than 2-3 questions. If you ask questions that are more in number, interviewers might be irritated.
  • Do not ask for too many details, they will also judge you based on your comprehension skills. Meticulous employers require people who can understand things and work to finish the deadline.
  • Do not ask obvious questions about the company. Rather ask more about the role. Since you have 2-3 questions, only try to make it more diverse.
  • Categorize your questions as per the theme, there should be one ending question on the role, and along with that keep a question on office work. And the last question of your choice.


Some questions are strict to avoid since they can exhaust all the options of recruitment. These questions are deadly in an interview. Here’s the list:

  • Do not ask any question about salary. The HR representative will discuss the role specificities with you. Asking about pay to a panel recruiting the best applicant comes off as needy and desperate to the panel. Moreover, they feel that you are focused on the wrong intentions of the job.
  • Do not ask more than 3 questions at the end.
  • Avoid answering questions while you leave and in the standing position. Even if that happens, come back to your seat and answer them.
  • Do not discuss the benefits of the job beforehand. That will come with your hard work, dedication, and composure.

3 General Killer Questions to Ask at the End of Any Interview

Questions that are about your role and work culture can be asked. To have a brief on the role is always great. Here is the list of questions you can ask:

What are the Contributions I As An Individual Can Provide to This Position?

This question is all about framing a contour and understanding the willingness to do more for the company. Employers usually get happy with this question because they feel happy that you can grasp their point of view and want to know your duties beforehand. It’s great to ask this question.

How Will I Collaborate With My Supervisor?

This is also important, you need to know about your role in the best of its detail. In any company the person working has to work against a bigger personality/manager. Anyone placed above your designation. To understand how the dynamics play into this relationship, you can ask beforehand. This question is interesting since it shows a great drive of intent. Employers you are getting for this job from the start itself.

Beyond Technical Skills Will I Require Any Soft Skills?

Technical skills are very important and indeed that’s the first avenue to conquer. Without proper technique and know-how, you will be rendered useless in the job. You need to build your basics and strengthen them. But nowadays equal importance is also given to softer skills like communication, emotional intelligence, collaborative mindset, amicable character, and not losing cool in extremely stressful situations. This in a way helps the employer in gauging your priorities. A normal interaction will be based on technique, skills, and How you deliver them. But beyond that, it requires softer skills to crack deals and understand employers’ perceptions and perspectives, understand the intent and expectations of your clients, and reciprocate the love and kindness back. Hence, this question can play the role of a trump card at the end for you.

Questions to Ask at the End of a Teaching Interview

Questions for a teaching interview should emphasize the teaching process, duties, student-teacher interaction, and teacher responsibilities in school. Here’s a list of pertinent questions:

What Kind of Technology is Available for Teachers to Deal With?

If you would ask me which profession has changed in terms of technological application procedurally, it’s teaching. In the US, applications for cloud computing, and digitally accessible classrooms have undergone a complete overhaul. If you are a first-time teacher make sure to ask about it on the panel. Things do come into the habit after some time. So no big worries on that front.

Can You Please Brief me on the Anti-Bullying Measures of the School?

Anti-Bullying is a grave topic of discussion in the teaching community. You can show an urge to know more about it. This is a good wrap-up question since it denotes the weight of responsibility that has been pressed on your shoulders. When they will brief it, make sure to listen carefully. Bullying is a very prevalent issue in the United States and the Teaching community needs to step up its game to put an end to this evil practice.

Do You Have a Mentoring Program for Any Teachers?

Mentoring becomes an absolute necessity since teachers have to adapt to a lot of challenges that are part of the job. The evolving revelations of Child Psychosocial support is a domain that keeps on evolving and one needs to keep up with the pace and be accustomed or rather polished to take on these changes.

Questions to Ask at the End of an Apprenticeship Interview

An apprenticeship will always be a position of collaboration. You will be skilling yourself to be employable in the market, you can understand the difference How this will vary a lot when compared to a job interview. Here the questions shall be related to learning and grasping the skill. Some probable questions to ask are:

Will I be Working Alongside Other Apprentices?

Apprenticeship is a collaboration and it’s very important that you know beforehand your responsibilities and aims to be able to crack the job. Apprenticeship also symbolizes the ability to learn, interpret and integrate the stream of knowledge that you gain from the employer, hence the benefits might be a little out of place in the longer scheme of things.

Will I be With Any Other Team or Department of the Workplace?

Apprenticeships are hooked on the idea of learning, As a learner, you are not bound here or tied down. Any person wanting to learn anything can learn as per their will. If there are options to go out there and discover new avenues it will help you in the longer run. During the training sessions, it’s always better to know more than others.

Do You Convert Apprenticeships into Full-time Jobs, Has Anyone Able to do That?

At the end of it all, everything then comes down to whether there is any future that is there in working part-time and training yourself. Rather than struggling in the job market, everyone wants to get a job. That’s why you applied for the training in the first place. This question will help you to have clarity and draw an outline of your plans for the future.

Questions to Ask at End of the PGCE Interview

Two things require emphasis: one is understanding what PGCE is in the first place. PGCE is nothing but a degree called Post Graduate Certificate in Education. In the UK as well as many countries teachers need to undergo an interview alongside the entry to this course. Though you are analyzed based on your skills. If there is time left you can pose three basic questions:

What Are The Challenges Persisting in Education in Today’s Times?

You have to understand that PGCE people are not recruiting you but rather judging you for entry to the course. So, ask questions that have the spark of resemblance and resonance. Questions that are quite in vogue are the pitfalls, hence it’s the right pick.

How Can We Enhance Student-Teacher Relationships?

Questions on student-teacher relationships are the best questions to ask. And here’s a list of reasons Why these questions help you to stand out. Firstly, these questions have nuance and the PGCE selection panel will include some of the top board members of the education department and they will have a great perspective to share with you in person. It also shows your eagerness in engaging at the grassroots levels of the course.

Questions to Ask at End of a Receptionist Interview

Receptionists are the prime bubbly character. They need an outward appearance. They need to dwell on the innately pretty look. Receptionists require a lot of grooming and have to be dynamic learners. Hence for a doctor, the receptionist will require a quick book runup on terms associated with the Doctor’s branch of study.

How Do You Require My Attire?

Attire is the key item of any receptionist. Their looks and the way they carry themselves impresses people. They are the face of any economic organization. Get a broad description of what kind of dress the people require for you and How do you connect the requirements to the working staff. But dress plays a pivotal role.

What Software Will I Be Using to Schedule Appointments?

A receptionist needs to be very eloquent in data entry. Their main work is data entry. However, they can tweak it up with a dress. So, it shows an employer that you are not only concerned about the job but you want to be technically prepared for the job.

Questions to Ask at End of a Nursing Interview

Nursing as a profession is very much like Doctors. Nurses however do not get the same amount of respect as doctors. But this should not be a norm. We need to sensitize people about the role and responsibilities of a nurse. Some questions you can ask:

What Will Be My Working Hours & Are There Any Timetables or Rotational Shifts?

One has to understand that Nurses undergo the same kind of stress and overwork that doctors do. So, cut them some slack. If there’s any nurse who works in any hospital needs to be sure about her working hours. The issue is very sensitive as work can subsume personal life.

Is There Any Additional Training Required?

So, a good nursing school can endow one with all the essential knowledge. However, an institution also has its protocols and systems to follow. Hence you must ask about the training and also the procedural requirements of a nurse. Once that part is hassled, you don’t need to worry about these small problems. You can pick up the job from the point you left.

Questions to Ask at End of a Starbucks Interview

Starbucks is the heart of the American coffee chains. It is not a normal coffee chain, rather it is unimaginable How Starbucks brews its coffee from the beans that they owe. It sounds strange but it’s true. Some pertinent questions to ask in the end of:

Recommended Reading – What to Wear to A Starbucks Interview?

Is There Any New Flavor Introduced?

The most common Starbucks menu is actually at the fingertips of many people. However, since the menu can also change and prospective employees that interview with the company actually should keep up with the pace. If the flavor is properly elaborated. All you need to do after that is know How to make it? Practice and be prepared.

What is the Employee-to-Customer Ratio?

Starbucks is the leading chain of coffee throughout continents spanning most of the world. In the USA, the customer rush is insane. Asking this question, helps a person to remain mentally prepared for the rush, especially in places like New York and California. The cities have a rush in the pickup stores during rush hours and also if the store is located at a premier location in NYC.

Questions to Ask at End of a Sales & Marketing Interview

The sales & Marketing profile is becoming as easily accessible and attainable than any other job profile. Starting with the obvious, sales and marketing have become very basic. Here the questions require a differential component. Here good questions will be awarded:

Does This Company Focus on Marketing Psychology?

Marketing & Psychology of sales is a very distinct ideological frontier from pure psychology. Asking this, kind of has an edge since the world of marketing and sales sciences has explored convenience, efficiency, and customer satisfaction. To make the last dent in the wood comes from Marketing Psychology which deals with consumer behavior and How the psychological state of a buyer works. The panel will be impressed by this question.

Do Recurring Clients Have Benefits?

This is a very important question and there is a reason why. Recurring clients are the trump card to get the ball rolling in any economic entity, they pave the market in terms of turmoil. And as a trigger switch of any initial benefits. This shows a lot of care and composure in dealing with your clients with empathy and also engaging in a mutually respectful situation of understanding benefit exchange.

Questions to Ask at End of a University Interview

University interviews are very tricky for two reasons. Unlike the ocular perception of commonality in questions we think, does not exist in reality. The questions are specific to department standards and requirements but broad gesture questions are always great. Do remember that University and Job interviews are not parallelly placed to each other. Both these kinds of interviews are complex and University interviews last longer and can end in seconds too.

How Can I Approach my Subject Differently?

There is always a person who will see the subject for what it is. Linearly, one can know the standard-centric ideas of the subject that are part of the discourse. What makes the subjects different? Two to three conditions make the entire purpose of the subject traverse differently. These attributes need to be counter-questioned to attract your Professor’s attention.

How do we Practically Apply Our Subject?

Now a subject has two broad ends and markers pieced in different zones. One is the theoretical ideas and the other is the application area. Every subject has a different scope and space. But more broadly the distinctiveness of these ideas is perennial and will be discourse for a longer period.

Questions to Ask at End of an Accounting Interview

Accounting interviews have a 60% component of simply elaborating on the technical aspects of accounting like Accounts Payable, Taxes, or even Accounting Standards. What does accounting consist of in terms of the company’s accounts? Which software is used? Such kinds of questions are usually asked. Here are some questions that can be asked:

What Will be the Expectation of Growth of the Company?

Every company through its growth rate provides you an avenue of understanding How your job will be secured in the long run. The major truth that needs to be told however is job sustainability. And high growth assures you. It helps in other ways too. In simple terms, the expansion of a company gives you ample chances to lead a department of the company.

What’s The Work Culture Like?

This is a great wrap-up question. It also shows How eloquently you are not mincing words. Accountants can lead a life but many people do not know that’s not the case. Accountants can also try to sit together and talk numbers with the company. That culture question helps a person with two things, one whether the culture is singular or more collaborative.

2 Fun Questions to Ask at the End of an Interview

In the end, after a strenuous grilling session, everyone likes a joke. But tasteful humor and fun can do wonders rather than bordering on untasteful and crass mockery. These are the best questions:

Recommended Reading – Is It Okay To Joke In An Interview?

What are the Nicknames of Adjacent Departments?

An office work culture is complex and variegated. The departments have their nicknames. And these nicknames are very proficient in the long run. It can work wonders. This will not cause any distrust with the panel since that’s How office bearers behave most of the time.

Are There Any Fun Hours in the Office?

Fun hours are a culmination of different successive hours after a space of two or three days. Fun hours work magic in improving relationships and bonding with people. It helps in building very strong emotional intelligence and connecting with a person of your liking. Fun hours are a great substitute for understanding the world and How it works alongside different components. It’s a prerequisite in stressful and overworked employees.

Final Say on Killer Questions Which Can Be Asked At The End Of An Interview

Like your career aspiration on resume or dresscode in an interview, even the ending questions can leave a really strong impression of you in front of a prospective employer. In this piece, various types of ending questions are mentioned for many professions. What questions to ask at the end of a teaching interview? And successive questions like these for many professions. It will give you a brief idea of framing the best question and leaves a good impression on the employer.

About the author

Atish Ranjan

Hi there, I am Atish Ranjan! I have been into work and business for more than 11 years now; I have given and taken numerous interviews over the years.
Thus, I started to share my knowledge & experience with you! Hope you enjoy reading here.

About the Author

Hi there, I am Atish Ranjan! I have been into work and business for more than 11 years now; I have given and taken numerous interviews over the years. Thus, I started to share my knowledge & experience with you! Hope you enjoy reading here.